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Roles and Responsibilities for Hosting an IPSA Congress

Meeting Overview

The IPSA congress serves as the premier event on the pediatric sleep medicine international calendar. Clinicians, basic scientists and clinical investigators, educators, sleep health advocates, and public policy makers from around the globe will come together to present the latest cutting-edge research, explore innovative solutions to current challenges, and provide an unparalleled opportunity for international collaboration in the field of pediatric sleep.

In keeping with IPSA’s mission of global inclusivity, the location of the congress rotates among continents. IPSA works closely with a host society/institution to organize the meeting and ensure scientific integrity as well as provide attendees with a unique cultural experience in the host city.

Financial Conditions

From a financial perspective, IPSA 2028 and 2030 will be organized as an independent meeting. IPSA will sign all contracts and take responsibility for all financial risk of operating, managing, and directing the IPSA Congress. Cash contributions or registration scholarships from the host society are appreciated but not required. Any profit or loss generated from the IPSA Congress will belong to IPSA.

Program Committee

The Program Committee is essential to the development of the scientific program and will make decisions related to the operations of the congress. The committee will ensure the congress is scientifically balanced with international speakers and that the mission of IPSA is being accomplished. Specific duties and responsibilities of the Program Committee include:

  • Organization and management of the congress scientific content
  • Selection of keynote, symposia, and abstract presentations
  • Active participation in monthly conference calls and email communications
  • Attendance at IPSA Congress

The Program Committee consists of 3-5 representatives from IPSA and 1-3 representatives of the host society organization.

IPSA is responsible for:

1.       Providing leadership to the Program Committee.

2.       Provide names for International Scientific Committee to review abstracts.

3.       Marketing: Promote meeting via website, member distribution, and other appropriate means. Promote the congress to international delegates, speakers, and provide individuals to present scientific content. 

4.       Accounting: Financial banking and accounting shall be done monthly, and final accounting shall be done within 90 days of the end of the meeting. A detailed list of all cash receipts and payments will be provided to the Program Committee upon request. Maintain a currency bank account to accept US Dollar transactions.

5.       Cash Management: Collection of cash receipts and payments of all expenses per agreed upon budget from congress bank accounts. All costs shall be paid from budgeted amounts.

6.       Operations: Organizing registration for delegates (US Dollar bank accounts), maintaining congress website, organizing exhibition and hotel facilities (at headquarters hotel and outside) or facilities at convention center, and arranging all events at meeting, including scientific and social events, with required facilities, food, audio visual, and entertainment.

7.       Travel and Logistics: Speaker liaison to provide logistics including travel, hotel arrangements, and ground transportation for all keynote and international speakers.

8.       Scientific Content: Coordinate abstract and symposia submission, collation, and process of review and approval by the Program Committee.

9.       Printing: Publish a congress abstract supplement and final program.

10.   Other duties as agreed upon by IPSA Program Committee.

Host Society is responsible for:

1.       Providing leadership (1-3 members) to Program Committee.

2.       Providing names for International Scientific Committee to review abstracts.

3.       Providing promotion of congress to stakeholders and members.

4.       Recommending a destination management company (DMC) to assist with compliance to local requirements of hosting the congress in the destination city. DMC assists with the coordination of tours, shipping and customs, and VISA applications (including invitation letters required for international travel from certain countries).

5.       Recommending and assisting with coordination of congress social events. Providing ideas for integrating the unique local flavor and culture of the host city.

6.       Developing program and content for host society annual general meeting, if applicable

7.       Organizing and operating Local Organizing Committee

8.       Organizing host society events including membership meetings, society awards, public lectures, and other traditional activities of the host society

9.       Other duties as agreed upon by the Program Committee

Society and Host City Selection Process

The host society and congress destination are selected based on strategic process.

Step one is to request a letter of interest from host sleep societies. Request is sent to all current and past IPSA members allowing at least 60 days to apply. Host societies provide leadership names and contact information; demographic information including past meetings and number of members; and reason for interest in hosting the IPSA congress.  Letter of interest should not include budgets, support from government agencies, or conference venue and city requests.

Society application letters are ranked and evaluated based on established excellence criteria including leadership, strategic planning, customer needs, operational and workflow assessment, and financial performance.  A short list of societies is selected by the IPSA Board of Directors.

Step two is to develop a business plan for each society included on the short list.  IPSA’s professional staff will contact each potential host society to request recommendations of host cities, preferred venue(s), and other operational details. Any financial contributions or registration scholarships offered by the society should also be specified.

 IPSA staff will work directly with the venues and visitor bureaus or government agencies in each potential destination to obtain formal proposals. IPSA’s staff will prepare a background report including strengths and weaknesses of potential cities and host societies. Further background information will be accumulated during site visits to top host cities to fully understand capabilities of venues, ease of congress operations, and financial impact on overall congress budget.

A complete business plan outline for each society and host city will be presented to the IPSA Board of Directors for a final decision. Once approved, a contract is prepared and signed by IPSA and the host society.

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